01BOOK - Air Force Special Warfare - Crush the IFT / OFT (and Selection)
The Air Force PJ, CCT, SR, TACP Workout Program - Crush the IFT / OFT and Selection

Ace the Air Force IFT for Special Tactics and Combat Rescue occupations: 500m swim, 1.5 mile run, pushups, pullups, situps, underwater swims. Also, this plan helps you prepare yourself for challenging pool confidence (water con) events such as drown-proofing, buddy breathing, and more.
AF PJ / CCT training is about as tough as it gets! You need several months of rigorous training before attending this school. AND tons of water exposure! Get comfortable in the water and fit enough to survive any training!
Train hard - so "Others May Live". This advanced program will prepare you in running, PT and swimming, and pool drills. Twelve weeks worth of workouts and packed with information, exercises, and tips to help you prepare for a grueling training pipeline.
This update addresses the new Operator Fitness Test with an additional four-week block periodization supplement to add to the 12-week programming.
But you get much more than just a program - you also get:
- Access to LIVE QA sessions with Stew Smith (YouTube / Instagram) Mon/Tues 9am EST
- Free Special Ops Exercises APP for Android and iPhone
- Free Swim Critique Submissions (see videos of the critiques (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok)
- Options for Membership Workouts or Personalized Coaching if needed...and much more.
- Email Coach Stew Smith when needed - stew@stewsmith.com
Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL with a proven track record of 20+ years of coaching, training, and making programs work for people who do the workouts. When you buy his programs, you get access to Stew Smith to ask questions and send critique videos! This is customer service you cannot put a price on. Just email Stew at stew@stewsmith.com for answers to your questions about fitness and military training.
This product is a BOOK - IF YOU PREFER THE EBOOK DOWNLOAD VERSION, CLICK HERE - Air Force Pararescue / CCT (AF Special Warfare) IFT/OFT/ Selection Workout
Testimonial from USAF PJ/ CCT Workout user:
I am sending you a thank you email for your AFSW IFT Test program. Finding your site was the best thing that happened to me in my preparation for this test. When i started training in January of this year I did not even know how to swim. I thought that i worked fairly hard for my pre-test which I took in March, however, when it was time to take the test I realized i had highly underestimated the test itself. While i still passed it I knew I had to get into much better shape before taking the real thing, and definitely before I left for PJ school. I searched the Internet one night and came to your site. I read everything on your site and in the PJ/CCT book you wrote. I also started the next day on the 10 week workouts, I was instantly hooked and loved the feeling of a great workout each day. It was one of the toughest things I have done but when the test came I had no doubts about anything. I knew I could pass and was ready for training... Thanks