EBOOK - Spring Training: To and Through Selection - Increase Endurance / Maintain Strength
Increase PST / PAST Scores and Other Endurance Events WHILE
Maintaining Strength / Speed
Getting TO and THROUGH Selection
Spring Training: 3:1 Block Periodization
3 Week Cals & Cardio Cycle: 1 Week Strength
(16 Weeks of Spring Training)
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"To and Through Selection"
No doubt you have heard me use this phrase as I see most people who enter these challenges only prepare to get TO the training and never consider the most important training phase - preparing to get THROUGH the training. If you want to graduate these tough programs, you have to spend considerable time preparing your mind and body for the challenges and reducing your weaknesses / liabilities.
Here is How the 3:1 Block Periodization
Cycle Works
The start of this Spring Training Calisthenics / Cardio Progression Cycle, I decided to try something new as the normal long-term Spring / Summer strength training cycle (24 weeks) can get stale with performance plateaus, running aches and pains if you are not careful and actively pursuing recovery. You must keep everything in near perfect balance to fully recover from cycles of higher miles progression and calisthenics volume increases (nutrition, sleep, smart split routines, balanced overload principle with recovery / mobility days). You have a choice with this block periodization model:
You can do a de-load week which is an easier recovery week that is quite common during higher intensity training cycles, or you can do a modified de-load week and replace the high repetition calisthenics and cardio cycles focusing on the PST / PAST elements (timed run and swim, pullup, pushups, sit-ups) with a modified strength maintenance week. We did this last year during the Spring / Summer Cals & Cardio cycle with exceptional results both mentally and physically.
That is what we did for 16 weeks of the Spring / Summer cycles:
4 Cycles of the following: 3-week PT and Cardio with logical running progression from 10 miles a week to 25+ fast miles a week by week 16 THEN 1 week strength with moderate cardio / calisthenics (mainly as warmups / cooldowns). The reduction in running for a week was a nice break to the trainees, but we still focused on speed but with reduced volume. Adding or subtracting miles per week is an individual issue and depends on your running history and prior progression. We also saw fewer running injuries using this method over previous progressions.
Who Needs This?
If you are preparing for the Navy PST or the Air Force PAST as well as other Combat Fitness Tests in our military, you need to try this method of training. This will help you not only get TO the training (Phase 1 of tactical fitness), but prepare yourself to get THROUGH the training (Phase 2 of tactical fitness) Also, if you are preparing for special ops training pipelines where all the elements of fitness (strength, power, speed, agility, endurance, muscle stamina, flexibility, mobility, grip) need to be highly developed, try 3-4 months of block periodization and maintain your strengths while building up your weaknesses. Buy Now for 16 Weeks of Spring Training!
If you prefer the BOOK version Click BOOK - Spring Training Getting To and Through Selection - INcrease Endurance and Maintain Strength