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Not Another New Year Resolution Article

stew smith

Every year around late December, early January fitness writers and trainers feel compelled to create a revolutionary idea for motivating people to train starting January 1. Why not? We have typically let ourselves go since Halloween with extra treats in the house, stressful work and school schedules, a Thanksgiving feast, football tailgaters, too much time in the man-cave, and so many parties in December that it is time to do something now or go buy new clothes that fit. This is the perpetual cycle that occurs annually with many of us, but instead of hoping to be motivated for a few weeks in January, how about practicing a daily dose of discipline.

Resolutions, Goals, Intentions…Who Cares What You Call It - Get Moving

A sample of a few of the annual challenges to get moving again can be viewed here with one of my favorite New Year articles that posted a new challenge every month of the year. Twelve Months of Fitness – was my attempt last year and creating a “different” kind of New Year’s Fitness article.  Changing the goals and focus each month allows for a variety of elements to be considered with making a lifestyle change.  These additions to training and living keep things fresh and help with keeping motivation higher, but the long-term success will eventually require discipline.  In fact, motivation has to evolve into discipline for any of this to work.  There are even follow up articles on the topic to see how people are doing after Week 3 of New Year Workout.

Some others include:  To Make a Resolution of Not – was also an attempt at trying to push people to create a goal with intentions as we tend to never even use the word “resolution” by late January.  Setting goals with specific sub-goals works for some and helps to maintain discipline when most people start to fall off the wagon.  Unfortunately, most people fall off the wagon but look to get back on again in March (Spring Time) just in time for Summer.

Discipline Makes It Work

New Year’s Resolutions That Worked – was a report I did on people who were still on track with starting their fitness in January a full year later.  If you notice the trend, these successes were linked to starting off slowly, trying a few changes and being disciplined about them from just drinking more water and stop drinking sodas, to learning a new activity like swimming for instance.  Finding something and getting disciplined to change a bad habit into a good habit is key to success with anything in life – not just your health and wellness.  Regardless, finding something good and new to you will help you get rid of something old and bad for you.  As the saying goes – “You are two habits away from succeeding – one you have to start and one you have to quit.”

There is no shortage of New Year’s Resolution articles out there, if that is what you are looking for, you can find plenty.  My advice is to pick one new idea and get moving TODAY. Even if it is just drinking more water and starting to walk 10 minutes after every meal, these daily events will be the catalyst for great year for those who are seeking to get healthier. But as mentioned in this post several times, it is DISCIPLINE that gets you through the tough days.  Yes, your January Motivation has to evolve into February Discipline to make fitness and health work for you.  From here it is a constant battle with your inner voice, energy levels, and time in the day to get something done that you can count as a positive addition to your life and health. 

My advice – “Don’t Listen to Yourself – Talk to Yourself.”  Tell yourself you have an appointment with YOU.  Make it happen and do something physical.  Tell yourself to get up early and do it. Tell yourself not to eat unhealthy food and have better options prepared.  Tell yourself to drink water – all day and keep a large glass by your side.  In the end, this whole challenge comes down to a very simply concept that is easily written and said than done:  Move More – Eat Less – Sleep Better – Less Stress.  If you can do these four things you will see massive progress.  Even if you can only do a few of them at a time, you will see noticeable progress. But in the end, to be healthy, move better, feel better, and improve your life, these four elements have to be part of the daily disciplined activities.

Related Motivation Articles:

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Also if you have any questions, email the author and he will get back to you ASAP.  Other ways to contact Stew Smith

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But the Seasonal Tactical Fitness Programs Will Build Optimal Performance and Specifically Address Weaknesses Each Phase

Consider the long-term training system of the seasonal tactical fitness model as it offers the opportunity never to neglect your weaknesses, helps with flexibility and mobility, and will also put you at a level of physical abilities where you are happy with your overall ability to just about anything. We have a system where the strengths and weaknesses dictate our training. Check it out: What is Seasonal Tactical Fitness Periodization?.    

There is More to Than You May Know

Who is Stew Smith? Coach, Trainer, Author, Podcaster 

I'm the former Navy SEAL that special ops candidates go to for books, ebooks and online coaching to prepare themselves to get to and through intense tactical assessment and selection programs and qualify for service in their chosen tactical profession.  See More at

Quick Summary:

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  7. FREE Navy SEAL Exercises Apps - iPhoneAndroid
  8. Membership Site - Get access to 100s of week of training programs and unpublished workouts we are currently doing each week. Constantly updated weekly with new articles, videos, and workouts of the week.
  9. Tactical Fitness Course - 80 minutes to learn how to get both TO and THROUGH spec ops selection programs.
  10. Online Coaching - Get personalized programming designed for your goals, abilities, time per day, days per week, equipment/facilities...etc.

Dive deeper into the world of Tactical Athlete training and mental toughness by exploring Stew Smith Fitness Programming for the Tactical Athlete online store. Uncover the strategies and techniques used by elite forces to push past physical and mental barriers. Visit now and equip yourself with the tools for success for many special ops level selection programs in the military and police world. 

Books and eBooks Available (All Levels of Fitness)
The Specific Military / Special Ops Physical Fitness Workouts 

Navy SEAL Workout Phase 1
Navy SEAL Workout Phase 2 - 3
Navy SEAL Workout Phase 4  Grinder PT
Navy SWCC Workout

Army PFT Workout (Prep For Rucking, OPAT, ACFT)
Army Special Forces / Ranger Workout
Army Air Assault School Workout
Army Airborne Workout


Advanced Running Program - Special Ops Supplement Plan
USMC OCS / TBS Workout


The Combat Conditioning Workout
Air Force PJ / CCT Workout  Battlefield Airman Prep Course
The UBRR Upper Body Round Robin Workout / Spec Ops version


The Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer / Navy SAR Workout
The Service Academy Workout (West Point, Navy, Air Force Academy)
The Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp Boot Camp Workout


The Law Enforcement Physical Fitness Workouts

The FBI Academy Workout  |   FBI Workout Vol 2  
The DEA Workout
The FLETC Workout - Ace the PEB
The PFT Bible: Pushups, Sit-ups, 1.5 Mile Run
The Fire Fighter Workout - Ace the CPAT
alisthenics and Cardio


Online Coaching Options

Online PT CLUB - Premium Coaching 

Do you need a program that actually works for you? We can build it personally for you and your personal goals and help you fit it into your day with the equipment you have available.  Let us be your training partner and coach.

Many people ask me what is the difference between the Premium Program and the Online PT CLUB Coaching.  The people on either program receive personalized training from me - Stew Smith - to best fit your abilities, goals, time per day, days per week, facilities, and equipment.  We communicate regularly about your progress and your feedback helps me create the next week plan for you.  There is no template workout and see you later.  These programs are created 1 week at a time with YOU and ME in communication to figure out how best to create the next week. 

Tactical Fitness Course Getting TO the training does not guarantee you get THROUGH the training. Learn about the two phases of tactical fitness you need to develop thoroughly before getting to BUDS. Check out the Online Course - Getting TO and THROUGH Special Ops Selection.

Member's Only Content / Services Program!

If you want access to years worth of workouts, favorite workouts of the week, free fitness APP, closed Facebook Group, video / picture library of exercises, and more access to LIVE Q/A sessions check out the Stew Smith Fitness Members Section

The dashboard below has the links to all the information, archives, videos, and links to workouts, podcasts, live Q and A lessons. 

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