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Stew Smith Fitness News — pft

The Tactical Fitness System in this Book Saved My Life - No Kidding! Maximum Fitness

Stew Smith army sf BUDS combat swimmer stroke core workouts mental toughness military fitness mobility navy seal online coaching pft pst pullups pushups rucking running special ops special ops training stew smith swimming tactical athletes tactical fitness weight training

The Tactical Fitness System in this Book Saved My Life - No Kidding!  Maximum Fitness

- Maximum Fitness - By Stew Smith CSCS A Book That Features A Full Year Of Periodization Training (Only Available on The Tactical Fitness Periodization System in this Book Saved My Life - No Kidding.  Maximum Fitness is a book that features a full year of tactical fitness periodization training and will help you recover from high mileage running/ rucking phases, rebuild joints after high repetition calisthenics for months, and recover smartly by adding a non-impact cardio and basic lifting cycle in four 12-13 week cycles.  Here is what you get - An entire year - 52 weeks of training: - The first 12 weeks...

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How Good is Good Enough with Your USMC Physical Preparation?

stew smith 3 mile run cft crunches infantry marines pft pullups rucking usmc

How Good is Good Enough with Your USMC Physical Preparation?

If you are considering joining the Marine Corps, you may ask yourself, Am I ready? If this is you, the new GOOD ENOUGH series is designed to answer those questions for you as you journey through the process of getting TO and THROUGH challenging selection programs.  To get TO the training - Ace the PFT plus other related events:Scoring well on the PFT and other related / common exercises seen in training is a must.  The following scores are borderline maximum or close to the maximum scores.  If you want to know what GOOD ENOUGH is - it is that -...

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Master the Next PT Test With This Program

stew smith air force army fbi military military fitness motivation pft police pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training stew smith tactical fitness USMC

Master the Next PT Test With This Program

The Military, Police, and Fire Fighter PT Test Survival Guide is designed to help you AVOID the Twelve Fitness Testing Mistakes That Lead to Failure. This is a HOW TO / EXERCISE eBOOK that will help you learn how to take a fitness test. Not just a basic fitness test but any of the 12 common exercise problems. Complete with a six-week workout plus a testing week taper routine to get you "well rested - well tested" for the next fitness test you have to take. You can use the tips, techniques, and tools I have developed over the past...

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Navy SEAL PST Clinic: Build a Strategy To Ace the Test for BUD/S, SWCC, EOD, Diver, SAR Swimmer

Stew Smith combat swimmer stroke military fitness navy seal pft pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training stew smith

Navy SEAL PST Clinic:  Build a Strategy To Ace the Test for BUD/S, SWCC, EOD, Diver, SAR Swimmer

The Navy SEAL, SWCC, EOD, and SAR Swimmer Fitness Test is one of the toughest pre-candidate assessments in the military.  Train hard to ace it long before you see the recruiter.

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PFT Strategy - Transition Training

stew smith air force army military military fitness navy past pft pst pullups pushups stew smith

This week I received an email from a soldier who writes:Every time I take the PFT, I ace the PT part but my run is much worse than if I ran first. Does the PT take that much out of me that I cannot run my normal pace had I not done the PT first?As with any test, you have to learn how to take tests to score better. There are entire schools and curricula devoted to helping students pass the SAT, ACT and even the ASVAB. The schools are not so much devoted to teaching subjects, but showing students...

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