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Stew Smith Fitness News — fitness writer

The Complete Tactical Fitness Series by Stew Smith CSCS

stew smith aging fitness combat swimmer stroke core workouts fire fighter fitness writer forty and over gut check injury military fitness mobility motivation online coaching tactical tactical athletes tactical fitness tactical fitness series tactical strength weight loss weight training

The Complete Tactical Fitness Series by Stew Smith CSCS

As a military, police, and fire fighter fitness writer for over 20 years now, the term Tactical Fitness did not exist when I started. Now, in the last decade resources have been spent by all elements of tactical fitness and a new fitness genre has been born. The following is my current library of Tactical Fitness Programming to include books, ebooks, and online coaching products and services:  Tactical Fitness - At the core of this program is the Tactical Fitness Test which measures 12 standards for your physical capacity, including: cardiovascular conditioning, strength, muscle coordination, and stamina. Tactical fitness means having...

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The Problem with Fitness Bloggers...

stew smith business combat swimmer stroke crossfit fitness writer mental toughness military fitness special ops stew smith weight loss weight training

The Problem with Fitness Bloggers...

          As a fitness writer / trainer, I enjoy receiving emails from people asking for help with achieving their goals.  In fact, many of the emails I receive each week give me great ideas to develop into articles, APPs, eBooks, and occasionally a published book.  The primary goal of a fitness writer should be to provide insight and safe methods to assist readers with a path to better themselves physically.  This is a very powerful responsibility to hold, because it is often experienced that through increased physical fitness levels people improve their capabilities in many other...

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