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101 Pyramid Training Workouts BOOK
Kindle / Amazon Book Also Available
We all need to keep training regardless of your personal and professional goals, but we also need new ideas to keep workouts fresh and get a complete workout:
The Pyramid offer a Warmup, Max out, Cooldown all with a pyramid routine.
It is the Perfect Workout System!

In the past, maybe you've failed at mixing calisthenics and weights into an effective routine and now you're afraid of wasting time training and getting out of shape. Depending on your fitness goals, this can affect your job performance, athletic performance, and the way you wish to look.
It is Tough To Add Variety Smartly
This is actually not your fault because adding variety requires some creativity with your training but also rules to follow or you can over-train or do ineffective workouts. This typically leads to boring workouts and the lack of having fun training options with calisthenics, cardio, and a variety of resistance training can be the end of your motivation to train regularly.
However, the great news for you is Stew Smith has been specializing in creating a large variety of training options using calisthenics, weights, cardio, and other equipment to enhance training cycles for over 20 years. This latest book (14th of his published books / 35 self published book / ebooks) holds the answers to many of your issues in regards to training options - over 100 ideas to be exact.
Let me share with you how you can finally do that with adding pyramid workouts to your training. If you're a "perfect workout seeker" serious about adding pyramid workouts to your training success, this 101 Pyramid Training Workouts I just released helps you get a complete workout: Warmup, max out, cooldown all with a pyramid routine and more! Check out the 101 options to add to your training routines today - Buy NOW - Now Available!!
This book is for every one who wants to be a PT animal!
Build muscle stamina / endurance while maintaining strength and increase work capacity and durability for any tactical profession and fitness test. Learn how to train effectively and stop wasting time on training plateaus. You can do all of this without having to join a gym as most of these workouts are calisthenics based with some common additional equipment like dumbbells, sandbags, and weight vests. Any weights can be easily replaced with this items.
Here is What You Can Do NOW! Coming Soon!
Next, if you're a person who wants 101 new ideas to become a PT animal, do yourself a favor and stay tuned and this book will drop from the printers by July 2020. We will start pre-orders and special gift (free ebook of choice) while you wait for the book to arrive in July.
With workouts perfect for any program and every athlete, Pyramid Training Workouts lets anyone incorporate high energy calisthenics and challenging resistance / weight-lifting into their existing routines.
Three Ways to Get this Book or eBook
Kindle version is NOW available (see amazon ebook link)
New 101 Pyramid Workout Book Will Be in Bookstores and on Amazon in July. (see amazon book link)
Get it HERE: 101 Best Pyramid Training Workouts BOOK signed and delivered - limited supplies.
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