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Running Plan to Help You Get You TO and THROUGH Selection Training (20 Miles a Week)

Stew smith 1.5 mile timed run 12 weeks to buds 3 mile timed run 4 mile timed runs buds running special ops

Running Plan to Help You Get  You
TO and THROUGH Selection Training

The following chart is an 8 week running plan that requires you to build up to 20 miles a week before starting this program, then focus on getting those 20 miles of running done fast using a variety of methods. (Goal Pacing, Hills, Sand, Sprint Intervals, Mobility / Non-impact Cardio, Run and Leg PT, and more). 

There are two competitive paces you need to learn how to master in your journey toward most tactical communities - a short timed run pace of 6 minute miles and a longer timed run pace of 7 minute miles.  For instance, a BUDS candidate who is well prepared with running can handle 20-25 miles a week at least and do 1.5 mile timed runs at a 6 minute pace (9:00-9:30 zone) and a 4 mile timed run at a 7 minute pace (sub-28 min min zone). Both of these paces will keep you well away from the minimum standards.  You will NOT be the fastest in your class with these paces, but these paces for ALL of your training runs will help you tremendously.

Doing longer slower distance runs of 10+ miles several times a week will only make you good at slower runs (unless you mix in some of these goal pace sets). Plus the extra miles of 40-50 miles per week could be an over training issue that could haunt you later in training - depending on your durability in running. 

You will learn that 20-25 FAST miles a week will help you more with special ops level running tests than 50 slow miles a week and save you from unnecessary overuse injuries. 

IF YOU HAVE NOT BUILT UP TO 20 MILES - See Beginner / Intermediate Running Plan options

Warmup each day with 1 mile jog or 10 min bike as desired followed by some light stretches and dynamic stretches.

Importance of Warming Up    |  Dynamic Stretches  

Workouts Designed with this in mind: (charts start after warmup above – GIVEN)

Mon - Goal Pace Workouts  (@GP) For 6-7 min mile (1:30-1:45 400m run or 3-3:30 800m)

Tuesday - Moderate Distance mixed with speed intervals (hills, sand, stairs)

Wed – 
Goal Pace with longer distances (half to full mile sets)

Thurs – Day off running – Mix in bike, swim, mobility day

Fri - Lungs and Legs or PST Day - Soft sand run or hills, stairs, legs calisthenics mixed with running.

Sat – Longer Distance (mix with sets of timed runs, goal pace, and sprints)

Recommended GOAL PACE:
6 Minute mile or faster for 1.5 mile timed runs (up to 2-3 miles even)
7 Minute mile or faster for 4 mile timed runs (up to 5-6 miles even)

Non Running Options When Needed

Mobility Day Explained - Day 4 (Thursday) is the mobility NO RUNNING day but if you feel you need to take a day off of running or reduce mileage, opt for one of the non-impact cardio events below to still work the legs and lungs if you can do so without pain. 

Repeat 5 times
Bike, elliptical, row 5 min
Stretch, Foam roll, massage tool 5 min

* (Add a 2nd mobility session on Sunday if you prefer OR add a few mini-mobility sessions after the runs as desired (doing 2-3 sets of above vs 5 sets.) 

Swim 10 min
Tread 10 min (no hands)
Dynamic Stretches in chest deep water 10 min

Bike Pyramid Explained
Bike Pyramid: Manual mode level 2,4,6,.. hold each level for 1 minute until failure.  Keep 70-90 RPM  – repeat in reverse order – should be 15-20 minutes total time. If you want to ride longer 30-40 minutes increase resistance by 1 level each minute. 

Bike Tabata Explained

Repeat 5 times
5 min of 20 sec sprint / 10 sec easy
- recover 2 minutes easy
*Total time 35 minutes

Hypoxic swims – Do 10-15 sets of 100m at 4,6,8,or 10 strokes per breath – freestyle no fins.  Rest as needed. 

IF ONLY 1.5 mile - 2 mile test is your goal: 
These distances are ideal for 4-5 miles timed run foundation / preparation.  If you ONLY have a 1.5-2 mile run to prepare for, you can use the same method, but cut the miles in half each day if you prefer OR do bike pyramid / Tabatas in place of running on Tuesday / Saturday/Sundays. 

20 Miles Per Week Running Chart (Faster 4 mile timed runs)

W1 Mon





Sat or Sun

Warmup plus

Repeat 8 times
400m @ GP
- 1 min walk

1 mile timed


Add 1 mile to warmup + Hills, beach, or bleachers 15 min
+ 2 miles of 1 min fast / 1 min easy




Warmup plus

Repeat 6 time
800m @ GP
- 2 min walk





Bike Tabata +
Mobility Day

Swim hypox





2 mile run fast

-Run hills, beach, bleacher 15 min
Run 2 miles but
-Do squat 20 / lunges 10/leg every 5 minutes of this 2 mile

Warmup plus

4 mile timed run

Optional – add in obstacle course



W 2 Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat / S

Warmup plus

Repeat 8 times
400m @ GP
- 1 min walk

1 mile timed


Add 1 mile to warmup + Hills, beach, or bleachers 15 min
+ 2 miles of 1 min fast / 1 min easy




Warmup plus

Repeat 6 time
800m @ GP
- 2 min walk






Bike Tabata +
Mobility Day

Swim hypox





2 mile run fast

-Run hills, beach, bleacher 15 min
Run 2 miles but
-Do squats 20 / lunges 10/leg every 5 minutes of this 2 mile

Warmup plus

4 mile timed run

Optional – add in obstacle course




W 3 Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat  Sun

Warmup plus

Repeat 12 times
400m @ GP
- 1 min walk



Add 1 mile to warmup + Hills, beach, or bleachers 20 min
+ 2 miles of 1 min fast / 1 min easy



Warmup plus

Repeat 6 time
800m @ GP
- 2 min walk




Bike Tabata +
Mobility Day

Swim hypox




Warmup +
2 mile run fast

-Run hills, beach, bleacher 20 min
Run 2 miles fast timed


Day off Sat 

Warmup +
4 mile timed run

+ 1 mile cooldown – add in obstacle course


W4 Mon Tuesday Wed Thurs Friday Sat ? Sun

Warmup plus

Repeat 12 times
400m @ GP
- 1 min walk


Add 1 mile to warmup + Hills, beach, or bleachers 20 min
+ 2 miles of 2 min fast / 1 min easy 


Warmup plus

Repeat 3 time
1 mile @ GP
- 3 min wal


Bike Pyramid +
Mobility Day

Swim hypox



Warmup +
2 mile run fast

-Run hills, beach, bleacher 20 min
Run 2 miles fast timed


Day off Sat

Warmup + 

4 mile timed run + 1 mile cooldown – add in O course


W 5 Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat / Sun

Warmup plus

Repeat 4 times
400m @ GP
400m easy (not walk)

Run 1 mile fast

Add 1 mile to warmup + Hills, beach, or bleachers 25 min
+ 2 miles of 2 min fast / 1 min easy


Warmup plus

Repeat 3 time
1 mile @ GP
- 3 min walk




Bike Pyramid +

Mobility Day

Swim hypox




Plus 3 mile timed 





Day off Sat

4 mile timed run plus 2 miles of intervals

Optional – add in O course 

W 6 Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat / Sun

Warmup plus

Repeat 4 times
400m @ GP
400m easy (not walk)

Run 1 mile fast

Add 1 mile to warmup + Hills, beach, or bleachers 25 min
+ 2 miles of 3 min fast / 2 min easy


Warmup plus

Repeat 3 time
1 mile @ GP
- 3 min walk



Bike Pyramid +

Mobility Day

Swim hypox




Plus 3 mile timed





Day off Sat

4 mile timed run plus 2 miles of intervals

Optional – add in O course


W 7 Mon Tuesday Wed  Thursday Friday Sat / Sun

Warmup plus

Repeat 6 times
400m @ GP
400m easy (not walk)

Run 1 mile fast

Add 1 mile to warmup + Hills, beach, or bleachers 30 min
+ 2 miles of 3 min fast / 2 min easy



Warmup plus

Repeat 3 time
1 mile @ GP
- 3 min walk




Bike Pyramid +

Mobility Day

 Swim hypox





Plus 3 mile timed




Day off Sat

4 mile timed run

Optional – add in O course


W 8 Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat / Sun

Warmup plus

Repeat 6 times
400m @ GP
400m easy (not walk)

Run 1 mile fast

Add 1 mile to warmup + Hills, beach, or bleachers 30 min
+ 2 miles of 4 min fast / 2 min easy



Warmup plus

Repeat 2 time

2 mile @ GP
- 4 min walk



Mobility Day


Swim hypox





Plus 3 mile timed





Day off Sat

4 mile timed run

Optional – add in obstacle course  



* This is a supplemental running program that will replace your current run program if you are at the 20 miles per week zone. If you are not at that volume yet, build up to these specific distances over several weeks and reduce miles as needed and progress at a 10-15 % increase each week until capable of doing these workouts as is.

If you have an obstacle course to do on Day 6, great, if not, consider running 100m in between each set of pullups, burpees, rope climbs and other exercises in pyramid or super set fashion as in many of my programs. 

Cooldown – make sure to stretch well – Common Static Stretches or Yoga based stretches / Mobility.

Importance of Cooling Down

 More Options Available

Spec Ops Running / Rucking Plan (Advanced)
Week 1 is 15 miles per week and builds up to 35 miles per week

Or Try Workout Programming Specifically Designed for any Tactical Fitness Goal:

There is More To than You May Know

(In fact, there are more than 40 books, 1000+ articles, online coaching - and more) 

Who is Stew Smith CSCS? Coach, Trainer, Writer, PodcasterI'm the former Navy SEAL that tactical candidates go to for books, ebooks and online coaching to prepare themselves to get to and through intense tactical assessment and selection programs and qualify for service in their chosen tactical profession.  See More at

Where to Find More Information About Optimal Performance Training Programs

When you start training again, consider the seasonal tactical fitness model.  I call it A WAY to train and obviously not the only way to train. But it offers the opportunity to never neglect your weaknesses, helps with flexibility and mobility, but will also put you at a level of physical abilities where you are happy with your overall ability to do just about anything. We have a system where the seasons dictate our training. When it is nicer outside, we tend to run and do more calisthenics. When it is colder and not so nice, we lift more, run less, and still maintain our outdoor activities with shorter runs and rucks. Check it out: Seasonal Tactical Fitness Periodization System.  

These Seasonal Tactical Fitness BLOCK Periodization programs will walk you through 4 x 4 weeks cycles with 16 weeks of each season in two programs. (32 total weeks) 

Increase Strength & Crush the PST / PAST
3 Weeks Strength - 1 Week PT / Cardio Focus 
(16 weeks)

These programs will walk you through 4 cycles with 12 weeks of each season in two programs. 

The Specific Military / Special Ops Physical Fitness Workouts 

Navy SEAL Workout Phase 1
Navy SEAL Workout Phase 2 - 3
Navy SEAL Workout Phase 4  Grinder PT
Navy SWCC Workout

Army / Air Force Advanced Fitness / Special Ops 

Army PFT Workout (Prep For Rucking, OPAT, ACFT)
Army Special Forces / Ranger Workout
Army Air Assault School Workout
Army Airborne Workout
Air Force Special Warfare IFT / OFT / Selection Prep


Advanced Running Program - Special Ops Supplement Plan
USMC OCS / TBS Workout


The Combat Conditioning Workout
Air Force PJ / CCT Workout  Battlefield Airman Prep Course
The UBRR Upper Body Round Robin Workout / Spec Ops version


The Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer / Navy SAR Workout
The Service Academy Workout (West Point, Navy, Air Force Academy)
The Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp Boot Camp Workout


The Law Enforcement Physical Fitness Workouts

The FBI Academy Workout  |   FBI Workout Vol 2  
The DEA Workout
The FLETC Workout - Ace the PEB
The PFT Bible: Pushups, Sit-ups, 1.5 Mile Run
The Fire Fighter Workout - Ace the CPAT


Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced Fitness Guides 

The Beginner / Intermediate Guide to Fitness
Reclaim Your Life  Erin O'Neill Story (beginner / intermediate)

Veterans Fitness  Baby Boomer and a Flat Stomach 
Circuit Training 101  Beginner / Intermediate Guide to the Gym


The Busy Executive Workout Routine
The Obstacle Course Workout  Prep for Races or Mil, LE, FF
TRX / Military Style Workouts  Adding TRX to Military Prep Workouts


Tactical Fitness Over 40 Series

Tactical Fitness (40+) Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4


Online Coaching Options

Online PT CLUB - Weekly Workouts created personally for you.

New Member's Only Content / Services Program!

If you want access to years worth of workouts, many of the top eBOOKs, favorite workouts of the week, free fitness APP, closed Facebook Group, video / picture library of exercises, and more access to LIVE Q/A sessions check out the Stew Smith Fitness Members Section

The dashboard below has the links to all the information, archives, videos, and links to workouts, podcasts, live Q and A lessons. 

Consider this! - A Membership Program and Gain Access to Exclusive Content
(click for Fitness Club Dashboard - members only)

Best of all, if you have questions, email Stew Smith himself (  Join the tactical fitness group discussions, latest articles, videos, podcasts at the Stew Smith Tactical Fitness Training Closed Group on Facebook.


Questions?  Just email -

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  1. FREE Articles
  2. Podcasts and Swimming Videos (Youtube, TikTok, Instagram)
  3. eBooks
  4. Books and eBooks in PRINT
  5. Stew Smith Fitness Club membership site
  6. Online Coaching  

Stew Smith Fitness 

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Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness store if you're looking to start a workout program to get you TO and THROUGH any tactical fitness training program OR create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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