Tactical Strength: Build a Foundation of Strength to handle the load bearing activities in training (logs, boats, equipment, rucks, people)
In case you don't know, the Tactical Strength book makes it simple to build strength in the entire body to prepare you for any load-bearing activity such as rucking, boat carry, log PT, equipment, people, etc. The program also does not neglect cardiovascular activity and will end workouts with rucking or swimming (or other non-impact options like rowing, biking, or elliptical if needed). The cardio workouts will be quick and fast, focusing more on speed and agility than long and slow for distance. This is a cycle of training where we focus on strength, power, speed, and agility, but maintain cardio endurance and muscle stamina as well.
Tactical Strength is provided by Stew Smith Fitness. Stew Smith CSCS created the second book in the Tactical Fitness Series. as he helps struggling Military, Special Ops, Law Enforcement, and Firefighter candidates get TO and THROUGH intense tactical assessment and selection programs. This is an ideal program for people like endurance athletes who need to gain mass, strength, and general durability when load bearing. IT is also a great cycle to give yourself a break from the high miles and high reps of the Endurance / Muscle Stamina - Spring / Summer Cycle of his Tactical Fitness Periodization System.
Tactical Strength is a part of a series of programs from Stew Smith's Tactical Fitness Periodization System
If you are serious about physical preparedness and you really want get TO and THROUGH military training, check out the Tactical Fitness Series to help you with more details of running, rucking, swimming, calisthenics, lifting, and overall preparedness for military and special ops training.
Here's the big benefit for you: if your weakness is strength, power, and speed and you need to put on some muscle, Tactical Strength is an answer. This periodization program is the winter lifting phase we have tested and updated for over 20 years with amazing results. If you need more work with endurance (running / swimming) and higher repetition calisthenics for muscle endurance, then consider The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness or the Calisthenics / Cardio Workout if limited on training equipment options. See how the combo of Tactical Strength and Calisthenics / Cardio Workout did for this student when he lost his training facility!
What makes Tactical Strength truly stand out is you can talk directly to the author and discuss training among other tactical athletes through his website - StewSmithFitness.com or his Facebook Group - Stew Smith's Tactical Fitness Training you can join a community of people who are like minded in their fitness and health pursuits.
Something significant Tactical Strength does that you might not realize is we also use a Tactical Strength Test featuring the following events:
1. 25-Pound Pull-up:
2. Max 1-2 rep Bench Press:
3. Deadlift (1.5-2 times bodyweight): 1-5 reps
4. Squat: Can you squat 1.5-2 times more than your own bodyweight?
5. Strongman Pull-up hang: This will test your grip.
6. 300-Yard Shuttle run: (6 x 50 yard shuttle or 12 x 25yd shuttle).
7. 5-10-5 Pro agility Test:
8. 50-Pound ruck: Rucking 4 miles
9. Kettlebell Swing: 5-minute test using the kettlebell swing or snatch movement.
10. 500 meter Swim with Fins: Any stroke.
By the way, Tactical Strength is not for If you are a powerlifter or strength athlete that is getting ready for a spec ops selection, you do not need this program. You need to focus on endurance and muscle stamina improvement - not strength improvement.
This is for you if you are relatively weak (endurance athlete) and need to work on your strength and power for load bearing activities of selection programs in your future. If you have never lifted, you need to get under some weight and build some mass so you do not get crushed under the many hours of load bearing activities that any selection program will be having you do.
The feature I like about this most is this is my personal Fall and Winter Lifting cycle of our 52 Week Tactical Fitness Periodization program. If you need a break from high reps and high miles of running / rucking programs, this will help you rebuild strength and rest joints from the impact forces of typical running cycles. You will still run - just differently - much faster but must less distance too.
One thing I do want to point out is You have to follow the program. It is best if followed for 12-24 weeks vs picking and choosing individual workouts. IT is a tactical strength periodization cycle.
In my opinion that's not a big deal because building good habits is part of the journey and it takes practice and discipline. Learning how to follow a program can yield results like you have never seen if you are struggling making your own workouts.
I have used this book to build strength of joints and muscles as well as rest my joints from high miles of running and repetitions of calisthenics previously done in the Spring / Summer cycles. This completes the year of training and gets you good at ALL the elements of fitness.
The good news is Tactical Strength is just $17.95 for the book, but the link into a supportive community is FREE and priceless..
When you compare that to There are many ways to lift weights. All work. But this program helps you maintain other elements of fitness without being detrimental to strength and speed gains. We have to be GOOD at all the elements of fitness in a tactical profession:You should definitely grab this book now as you need to understand your strengths and weaknesses. This acknowledgement should drive how you create training programs and invest your time training. These elements of fitness that the tactical athlete must develop are the following: strength, power, speed, agility, endurance (run, swim, ruck), muscle stamina, grip, flexibility and mobility. Depending upon the branch of service, you may need to be good at other elements that include load bearing (carrying logs, boats, people, gear), treading (with / without fins), rucking, and other skills..
To check out this book Check out StewSmithFitness.com BOOKS section and you will see Tactical Strength next to it's companion books - Tactical Fitness and Tactical Mobility by Stew Smith.