Stew Smith Fitness News — special ops
How To Crush the PST! Try the Classic PST Week - Video Referenced Material FREE
core workouts military navy seal periodization pst pst stew smith pt test pullups pushups special ops workouts
stew smithClassic PST Week for Navy SEAL, SWCC, EOD, Diver, Air Rescue Swimmer Here are the charts I discussed in the following video: Here is the testing week with Double PST: More about the PST and Beyond Learn how to put it all together - PST CLINIC - Getting TO the TRAINING: MORE PST HELP: Create a PST Strategy How Bad Do YOu Need a Better PST Score? Remember - the PST will only guarantee you get TO the Training....Getting THROUGH BUD/S requires much more: See what is "good enough" - PST Type Scores for Spec Ops Training: Now how about your...
TO, THROUGH, and AFTER Podcasts with Stew Smith and Others!
12 weeks to buds air force CCT air force pj army ranger army sf army special forces BUDS BUDs prep eddie gallagher fire fighter interviews jeff nichols marsoc mr ballen navy seal podcast recon special ops
Stew smithTo, Through, and After Podcast Series The To, Through, and After Podcasts have been growing in popularity over the past year. These are interviews that Stew Smith does with various people who have a story to tell about their journey before they decided to serve their country or communities in one of the tactical professions (military, special ops, police, fire / rescue). See the videos below for the shows or go to iTunes / GooglePlay podcasts and search To, Through, After with Stew Smith within the Tactical Fitness Podcast with Stew Smith programs. Enjoy To, Through and After with former...
How Good is Good Enough in Spec Ops?
air force army sf BUDS combat swimmer stroke mental toughness military military fitness navy seal pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training tactical fitness weight training
BOLD APS(Part 2 of this article - What is Good Enough - Strength Numbers) Throughout your journey into the military and perhaps as you move into a special ops selection, you will hear people describing their PT scores as “good”, “great”, “optimal”, or even the occasional “PT animal”. But what is “Good Enough”? Of course, all of these scores are relative to the person, programming, branch of service, and the person evaluating these scores and abilities of candidates. As a tactical fitness trainer with decades of this type of training, this article is going to try to add some objectivity to...
Podcast: The Tactical Fitness Report with Stew Smith
combat swimmer stroke crossfit football player googleplay gut check itunes mental toughness military military fitness motivation navy seal operator grip podcast powerlifter pst pullups pushups runner soundcloud special ops swimmer tactical tactical fitness tactical strength weight loss weight training wrestler youtube
Stew smithThe Tactical Fitness Report PodcastOver 200 Tactical Fitness Podcasts Completed Here is my FREE podcast I created to be viewed or heard as desired. I have done most with former Navy SEAL Jeff Nichols ( and others with other former Spec Ops members, my mentors, and friends. To, Through, and After Podcasts Also check out the TO, THROUGH, and AFTER Podcasts where we go into the journey of many special operators, tactical athletes, and more. You can see the podcast on (video), Apple Podcast- (search Tactical Fitness Report with Stew Smith), Google Play - search Tactical Fitness Report with...
The Dirty Dozen Fitness Test - Blog / Competition
mental toughness military fitness motivation new book special ops special ops training stew smith tactical fitness weight training
stew smithTry the events of the Dirty Dozen Fitness Test. Arrange in any order you prefer. You can take the test many different ways:1 - Take the test in one day / one long training session2 - Take 2-3 days to break up the events into - STRENGTH - SPEED/AGILITY - ENDURANCE3 - Take the entire year to break up the events as above using periodization specific training to master each event over the year. Share your scores / times in the in the comment section below: These are the twelve events I call the Tactical Fitness Dirty Dozen that I pulled from...