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Fitness for Beginners - Get Started for Free!

Stew smith

Fitness for Beginners

Get Started for Free! 

Everyone starts off as a beginner at some point. You can make today Day One!  This week, a question comes from a gentleman who was once fairly active, former military, but has not done anything in about five years besides an occasional weightlifting session at his gym. The question is, "How do I get back into working out again without killing myself after a five-year hiatus?"

However, the same answer can apply to this very common question from teenagers who also want to serve: "I am interested in serving in the military, but I am overweight, out of shape, and need to learn how to train.  Where do I start?  

I recommend that situations like these start off easy and treat yourself like a beginner. That means starting with the basics of walking/biking / and adding jogging if appropriate.  Then, build a foundation of strength and muscle stamina with calisthenics and dumbbells.

Recommended Articles:

Fitness Over 40-50 (Answers to Common Concerns)

Grow Old and Strong or Old and Weak

Add Mobility / Flexibility To Your Training

Unlock Ageless Potential With Proven Strategies

So many times, people start Day One with a 3-4 mile run because "that is what they used to do." This philosophy can also be seen in the weight room with people lifting heavier weights than they should at first. Depending on your goals and your chosen method of exercise, I would start off doing the following: 

TREAT YOURSELF LIKE A BEGINNER (at least for a few weeks)

Week 1: Add ONLY stretching to your fitness routine. Walking and biking is fine too, but do not run or lift weights during Week 1 IF you are a beginner. Stretching should be done twice daily for 10-15 minutes each session. Warm up your body and joints with a fast walk, jumping jacks, and jump rope for about 2-3 minutes. Once warm and just about to break a sweat, start stretching your arms, legs, lower back and abdominal region.

Just Add Water -- This week of hydrating will help you prepare for a week of additional caloric burning and keep you cooler during your first exercise day in Week 2. Drink half a gallon of water daily for every 100 lbs of body weight. I weigh roughly 200 pounds and drink at least a gallon of water daily. This helps curb hunger but also helps the body burn fat more efficiently. Burning fat as your energy source takes two things: WATER + OXYGEN = FAT BURNING. The oxygen comes from either the aerobic exercise of walking or running or the anaerobic exercise of calisthenics and weight lifting.

Week 2: If running is your ultimate goal, try a safe running program for free Beginner Running Plan.

This is a safe way to build up from not running in a while. It may even be wiser to run a few minutes and walk a few minutes until you get accustomed to the demands on your heart, lungs, and legs. Do not forget to stretch after each run as well. 

If you choose resistance training to start this week, I recommend using Week 2 as a calisthenics base week. Do pushups, crunches, and lower back exercises, or try some pullups or assisted pullups. You can add lightweight dumbbells for bicep curls, triceps extensions, and military presses with repetitions up to 10-15 times. For your legs, add air squats or air lunges.  This easy-paced week will help alleviate the pain of working joints and large muscle groups for the first time in several years.

FREE 45-Day Plan EBOOK

These exercises are all pictured in the FREE 45-Day Beginner Plan eBook (link below) and will help you go from zero to sixty in an easy progression that will more than likely keep you free from injury.

- Free 45 Day Beginner Plan
(click here)

Good luck, and keep the questions coming. I hope the ideas come in handy. For more ideas, check out the Article Section of my Website. 

Stew Smith CSCS  -  If you have any questions, email me at

Books and eBooks Available With Focused Mobility

I have a Full Series for 40 and Over - About when things feel like they are falling apart. These programs can make a life-changing difference. 

The Tactical Fitness Over 40 Series Introduces What We Call Mobility Day!

These programs are not just for people over 40. We have people younger than 40 and over 50-60 doing this level of workouts as they progressively build from beginner to advanced (left to right).

The Latest Program - The Ageless Athlete
- Fitness Over 50 -

I spent my 54-55th year writing this new program! This is a beginner plan, intermediate section, and advanced workout I did this year. 

Complete List of Beginner, Intermediate, and Basic Military & PT Test Prep Guides

 Beginner / Intermediate Fitness Guides 

The Beginner / Intermediate Guide to Fitness
Reclaim Your Life  Erin O'Neill Story (beginner / intermediate)

Veterans Fitness  Baby Boomer and a Flat Stomach 
Circuit Training 101  Beginner / Intermediate Guide to the Gym
The Busy Executive Workout Routine
NEW:   Calisthenics and Cardio (only) (Spring / Summer Cycle)


Who is Stew Smith? Coach, Trainer, Author, Podcaster 

I'm the former Navy SEAL that special ops candidates go to for books, ebooks and online coaching to prepare themselves to get to and through intense tactical assessment and selection programs and qualify for service in their chosen tactical profession.  See More at

Quick Summary:

You can always email Stew Smith if you have questions (
  1. FREE Fitness (all topics) / Mindset Articles and Workouts - Latest info on training for any goal! (over 1000)
  2. eBooksBooks and eBooks in PRINT (over 40 options)
  3. Spec Ops Swim Critiques on social media YouTube, TikTok, Instagram
  4. Live QA / CSS Critiques Mon / Tues 9am (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram)
  5. Podcasts (over 200)
  6. Stew Smith Fitness APPs - Triad versionPushup Push APPPullup Push APPFBI workout APP
  7. FREE Navy SEAL Exercises Apps - iPhoneAndroid
  8. Membership Site - Get access to 100s of week of training programs and unpublished workouts we are currently doing each week. Constantly updated weekly with new articles, videos, and workouts of the week.
  9. Tactical Fitness Course - 80 minutes to learn how to get both TO and THROUGH spec ops selection programs.
  10. Online Coaching - Get personalized programming designed for your goals, abilities, time per day, days per week, equipment/facilities...etc.

Online Coaching Options

Online PT CLUB - Premium Coaching - Do you need a program that works for you? We can build it personally for you and your personal goals and help you fit it into your day with the equipment you have available.  Let us be your training partner and coach.

Many people ask me the difference between the Premium Program and the Online PT CLUB Coaching.  The people in either program receive personalized training from me - Stew Smith - to best fit their abilities, goals, time per day, days per week, facilities, and equipment.  We communicate regularly about your progress, and your feedback helps me create the following week's plan for you.  There is no template workout, and see you later.  These programs are made 1 week at a time with YOU and ME in communication to figure out how best to create the following week.

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