Stew Smith Fitness News — army sf
How Good is Good Enough in Spec Ops?
air force army sf BUDS combat swimmer stroke mental toughness military military fitness navy seal pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training tactical fitness weight training
BOLD APS(Part 2 of this article - What is Good Enough - Strength Numbers) Throughout your journey into the military and perhaps as you move into a special ops selection, you will hear people describing their PT scores as “good”, “great”, “optimal”, or even the occasional “PT animal”. But what is “Good Enough”? Of course, all of these scores are relative to the person, programming, branch of service, and the person evaluating these scores and abilities of candidates. As a tactical fitness trainer with decades of this type of training, this article is going to try to add some objectivity to...
Teamwork Skills in U.S. Special Ops Programs
army ranger army sf BUDS navy seal special ops training stew smith team building team player
stew smithWhen asked recently about the most important "non-physical" trait someone who is about to attend BUD/S or any other Special Ops selection program should have, it took a minute to decide on the "most important." Sure, you need mental toughness, a never quit attitude, and must be hard physically, but I think the most important non-physical trait is being a TEAM PLAYER. Of course, there are individual challenges and tests that you alone must conquer, but no one makes it through any selection program by themselves. You must be a team player and help each other get through training TOGETHER....
Special Ops - How to Prepare
army sf BUDS mental toughness military military fitness motivation pst special ops special ops training stew smith swcc underwater swimming
stew smithHere is a question I get often concerning the way a person prepares for Special Ops type training programs for both military and law enforcement SWAT teams. My answer is usually, “It depends - Not only on the training you seek, but your athletic history / background.” Here is his question and my lengthy answer that takes many of the body types and foundation of fitness issues that arise when people start a training plan for Spec Ops.Stew I'm going to guess you've already answered this question somewhere, so forgive my redundancy. I'm 27 and looking to get into the...
Airborne Training
army army ranger army sf mental toughness military military fitness motivation pft pullups pushups special ops stew smith USMC
stew smithThis week I received an email that brought back a few old memories of Army Airborne training in Fort Benning , GA. This young soldier wishes to become an Army Ranger and wants to know what he needs to do to prepare each step of the way.If anyone is preparing to become a member of any Special Operations Group (Army SF, Rangers, Navy SEALs, Marine RECON, Air Force PJs, EOD units, and others) they all must graduate from the Army Basic Airborne Course (BAC) in Fort Benning. Not only is it a prerequisite for Special Ops, but it has become...
Top Ten List of Mental Toughness
army sf business mental toughenss motivation navy seal special ops
stew smithAfter this article, a friend of mine asked about what I thought the Top Ten List of traits for mental toughness would be. After some thought and discussions with some successful, mentally tough people, we came up with this. Mental Toughness – How do we obtain it? Make it stronger? Many young people ask these questions of me each day and I wish it was a simple answer. I wish you could be mentally tough by figuring out a magic solution of phrases or training programs. But it is not that simple. Being mentally tough requires you to keep competing...