Stew Smith Fitness News — stew smith
Teamwork Skills in U.S. Special Ops Programs
army ranger army sf BUDS navy seal special ops training stew smith team building team player
stew smithWhen asked recently about the most important "non-physical" trait someone who is about to attend BUD/S or any other Special Ops selection program should have, it took a minute to decide on the "most important." Sure, you need mental toughness, a never quit attitude, and must be hard physically, but I think the most important non-physical trait is being a TEAM PLAYER. Of course, there are individual challenges and tests that you alone must conquer, but no one makes it through any selection program by themselves. You must be a team player and help each other get through training TOGETHER....
Twenty PLUS Years of Periodization Training Model - Tactical Fitness
mental toughness military online coaching periodization special ops training stew smith tactical fitness
stew smithI realized I have been using my Periodization style of training now for 20 years, after one of my former BUD/S prep students reminded me it was 20 years ago he and his classmates shipped off the BUD/S. This was the year, I learned I needed to make some changes in my personal and professional training program and they needed to make sense with job requirements. My periodization program is A WAY to train – not THE WAY to train. It has worked for me from age 27-47 and took me from a near broken, over-trained, SEAL officer to a...
Motivation Can Grow into Mental Toughness
mental toughness military motivation online coaching special ops training stew smith
Stew SmithOver the past several years of writing about high level Special Ops Fitness, there is always a question concerning Mental Toughness. I get asked if I have any tips on getting more mentally tough. And I hate to sound like a grumpy, old coach, but to answer that – THERE ARE NO TIPS! There is no secret sauce that makes mental toughness magically appear in your life. Mental Toughness is built slowly – sometimes years – over several stages. Here is how I see mental toughness and resilience develop over time in the following stages: Motivation – There is a...
Taking the Initiative - Preparing for the Military
initiative mental toughness message to garcia military fitness motivation special ops training stew smith tactical fitness USMC
Stew SmithI am a fitness writer that specializes in military, police, and fire fighter fitness. I have well over 800 articles on the internet on various sites and several published books / ebooks. I ENJOY answering questions from readers - especially the younger generation who seeks out information and finds me as a resource for tactical fitness training / general preparation information. In fact, I answer my emails each day easily seeing 100-200 emails a day. These give me ideas to write about and very often (more than 50%) of the time I reply to someone with an article link that...
The Dirty Dozen Fitness Test - Blog / Competition
mental toughness military fitness motivation new book special ops special ops training stew smith tactical fitness weight training
stew smithTry the events of the Dirty Dozen Fitness Test. Arrange in any order you prefer. You can take the test many different ways:1 - Take the test in one day / one long training session2 - Take 2-3 days to break up the events into - STRENGTH - SPEED/AGILITY - ENDURANCE3 - Take the entire year to break up the events as above using periodization specific training to master each event over the year. Share your scores / times in the in the comment section below: These are the twelve events I call the Tactical Fitness Dirty Dozen that I pulled from...