Stew Smith Fitness News — stew smith
Using Special Ops Selection Methods to Test Athletes
gut check leadership skills pullups special ops training stew smith team building team player weight training
stew smithA recent training opportunity with a high school baseball team allowed me to develop a challenge week with their coach. Not only was the Challenge Test a team building gut check, but it had a system built in that helped calculate overall winners. This system is the very same method we have used for decades to determine a total score in a physical screening test within the Special Ops community. This allows for the selection board to determine who has the overall best score as well as the winners in individual events. The screening test we use for Navy SEAL...
What is Tactical Fitness? New Book Available NOW!
new book stew smith tactical fitness
stew smithBook - Tactical Fitness - For the Heroes of Tomorrow / Today! Tactical Fitness is a new fitness genre, which I personally define as: The ability to perform military, police, fire fighting and other personal survival-related skills, such as running, rucking, swimming, buddy rescue, climbing, jumping, and equipment carry, which require full-body strength, muscle coordination, stamina, speed, agility, and cardiovascular conditioning. Tactical Fitness primarily applies and refers to the type of fitness needed to assist active duty military, law enforcement, fire fighters, and other first responders. However, it also applies to those seeking the first responder professions. We call them...
Navy SEAL PST Clinic: Build a Strategy To Ace the Test for BUD/S, SWCC, EOD, Diver, SAR Swimmer
combat swimmer stroke military fitness navy seal pft pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training stew smith
Stew SmithWeakness at BUDS
combat swimmer stroke mental toughness motivation navy seal pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training stew smith
stew smithThis week I received similar emails from two young men who aspire to become SEALs one day. They both are athletic and involved with sports and asked the following question: The High School Question "I'm very uncertain about whether to do winter track or swimming and diving... Have there been BUD/S graduates from USNA who have learned how to swim AFTER they came to the Academy? I'm really not sure what to do and the deadline for sign-up is approaching. Please answer me ASAP! Thanks." The College Question "I am trying for an OCS BUDS billet after I graduate college....
SWCC Article
pst pullups pushups special ops stew smith swcc swimming
stew smithThe Special Warfare Combatant Crewmember (SWCC) of today is the product of years of history. Since 1963, when one of the father's of Special Warfare - Phil Bucklew commanded and developed the Special Boat Units of today to specifically support the SEALs and UDTs during the Vietnam War. Since then, the "Brown Water Navy" has distinguished themselves and are now one of the three components of the Naval Special Warfare Command (SEAL Teams, SEAL Delivery vehicle (SDV) Teams, and Special Boat Units). These high-tech, high-speed boats make up the maritime component of the U.S. Special Operations Command.SWCC PST Standards: Your...