Stew Smith Fitness News — stew smith
Airborne Training
army army ranger army sf mental toughness military military fitness motivation pft pullups pushups special ops stew smith USMC
stew smithThis week I received an email that brought back a few old memories of Army Airborne training in Fort Benning , GA. This young soldier wishes to become an Army Ranger and wants to know what he needs to do to prepare each step of the way.If anyone is preparing to become a member of any Special Operations Group (Army SF, Rangers, Navy SEALs, Marine RECON, Air Force PJs, EOD units, and others) they all must graduate from the Army Basic Airborne Course (BAC) in Fort Benning. Not only is it a prerequisite for Special Ops, but it has become...
Swimming with Fins - How and What Kind of Fins for Spec Ops Prep?
combat swimmer stroke duck feet fins military fitness navy seal rocket fins special ops special ops training stew smith swimming
Stew SmithSwimming with Fins - We Do This On Leg Days (Get Used to It) Rocket Fins Jet Fins You will most likely see Rocket or Jet Fins when you check into any military special ops swimming / diving program. Get used to them! This week, I received a frequently asked question about swimming with fins. Swimming with fins during rigorous military training like BUD/S, Coast Guard HRSS, Air Force SpecWar, RECON/ MarSOC Training, Army Ranger / SF training, or many law enforcement SWAT programs is required in open water tests....
Weight Loss Pills
core workouts motivation stew smith trx weight loss weight training
stew smithMany emails ask about the “magic weight loss pills” and diets. Here is an email from a couple who are interested in losing some weight and getting more fit.What about Diet Pills and special supplements? Do they work?If diet pills and “special” weight loss supplements worked, there would be fewer overweight people in America. Weight loss pills and diets for that matter are both ineffective and potentially harmful; long-term health-oriented programs should replace them. The weight loss pills contain ingredients that are not regulated by any scientific research or government department like the Food and Drug Administration. Notice on any...
Lightweight Shoulder Workout - 5lb DBs
military fitness online coaching personal training pft pullups pushups shoulder stew smith weight training
stew smithI have received many emails this week concerning past injuries of and readers. According to Navy Bureau of Medicine, the top three sport injury surgeries done on its members are:- Shoulders - Knees - Lower Back This week my focus is on the most injured joint in our bodies - the Shoulder. The shoulder is our most versatile joint. There is no other joint that can lift up, down, forward, backward, rotate left and right, or throw. The only joint in our body built similarly is the hip. But with the shoulder's versatility comes its weakness. It is...
Resting with Crunches?
core workouts motivation stew smith trx weight loss
stew smithThis week an email prompted me to write about one of my favorite and most frequently done exercises in my workouts – the CRUNCH! The question asked was concerning when in your workouts do I like to do abs – in the beginning, after cardio, or in the middle? I have found that I do two types of abs that work very well for me as well as many of the people I train - - I REST WITH CRUNCHES and WARMUP WITH CRUNCHES! Many will say that crunches are in no way a resting exercise, but I disagree....