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Stew Smith Fitness News — swimming

Navy SEAL Weight Training Program (Is Your Strength a Weakness?)

Stew Smith BUDS combat swimmer stroke mental toughness military military fitness navy seal new book online coaching pullups recovery rucking running special ops special ops training stew smith swimming tactical athletes tactical fitness tactical fitness series tactical strength weight training

Navy SEAL Weight Training Program (Is Your Strength a Weakness?)

s Strength a Weakness for You? If you can run and swim for days, but have been skipping too many training days in the weight room, this book if for you!  You need to work on those weaknesses that will be exposed in your first few weeks at SEAL Training - When MOST People Quit! This program helps you add in weight training specifically designed for the heavier elements of SEAL Training preparation - load bearing - rucking, log pt, carrying boats on land, buddy and equipment carries, etc...No kidding! For years, many thought I did not lift weights because I...

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Want to Crush the PST, Prepare for BUD/S and Become a Navy SEAL?

Stew Smith BUDS combat swimmer stroke military military fitness navy navy seal pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training stew smith swimming tactical fitness

Want to Crush the PST, Prepare for BUD/S and Become a Navy SEAL?

This Book Has Helped Thousands Just Like You Make It Through!   In case you're not aware of it, The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness book holds the secret to you preparing yourself for BUDS. If you do this program - and maybe even repeat it - you will prepare yourself for the muscle stamina and endurance needed in special ops training. If you need to gain strength, it can help you with that too, but you may need to consider a 12 week lifting cycle (Navy SEAL Weight Training Workout) if you are not coming from a strength /...

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Tactical Fitness Periodization Programs from Stew Smith Fitness

Stew Smith boats on heads BUDS combat swimmer stroke css endurance load bearing log pt navy navy seal navy seal fitness periodization running strength swimming tactical fitness

Tactical Fitness Periodization Programs from Stew Smith Fitness

How do you get good at all the elements of fitness - PERIODIZATION.  in this case, a tactical fitness version of periodization.  Programs That Are Cycles of Periodization What elements of fitness do you need to focus on to have the ability to get TO and THROUGH Training and stay operational?  ALL OF THEM.  Getting good at all the elements of fitness is required and as your tactical journey continues, being able to structure your training so you can recover and have meaningful longevity within your career is the ultimate goal. After all, you will be older longer than you are younger...

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Top Ten Things to Google Before Asking Me (or any other Veteran)

Stew Smith air force army basic training boot camp coast guard height weight standards initiative marines medical requirements military military career navy pt test recruit recruiter research running swimming tattoo policy vision requirements

Top Ten Things to Google Before Asking Me (or any other Veteran)

Take Some Initiative - Do Basic Research for Future Profession -THEN Ask Specific Questions for More Information if Needed Google Doodle By Emily Newman Though these are legitimate questions many people may have during the consideration process of joining the military, they are easily found online and mainly reference material that rarely any human will ever remember - even a Veteran!  Besides, most of the common questions first asked tend to change over time with new programs developed, new enlistment procedures, updated standards, and the needs of the military.  Finding a source that is up to date can also be...

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Underwater Swimming

stew smith combat swimmer stroke special ops special ops training swimming underwater swimming

Often I get great ideas from readers who are training to become Special Operators. Many times it is difficult to find a place to swim or with someone competent enough to watch you while you do underwater swims. My rule has always been – NEVER SWIM ALONE – PERIOD. And do not try to push 50m underwater or drown-proofing without trained personnel observing for safety. However, I received a great idea the other day from Jason – check it out.Stew - Reading about underwater swims and how the Naval Special Warfare Command discourages the practice without proper supervision has caused...

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